
Thursday, 22 April 2010

What is an Autosurf site?

Commonly also called either an autosurf site, autohits site, traffic exchange or click exchange an autosurf site is a website where you can join (often free) as a member and advertise your website to be viewed by other members. So whether you are selling services, health supplements or even money making opportunities you'll get people from all over the world whom will see your website and consider it. Your website's page and other member's pages will rotate on a timer for between 10-30 seconds, so you will be watching them just like tv commercials.

The primary reason people autosurf is to earn cash
or credits. Some autosurf sites require people to add their own money, which combines some kind of job (watching the ads) with a type of "investment" or "membership."

The second reason people autosurf is to get traffic to their own websites. Some autosurf programs will show your website to other members in direct proportion to how many times you view other websites. For example, you might earn one credit to have your website shown for every two websites you view. Websites that are purely for traffic and require no monetary investment are called "traffic exchange" programs.

What is a credit?

When you view another members website you earn a "credit". These credits earned can accumulate be assigned to your website's url. Your website must have credits assigned to it to be included in the rotation for others to view. When a website has 0 credits is it not shown in the autosurf rotation and no members see the website.

What is a hit?

When another member views your website they are actually visiting your website. This visit is called a hit or visitor. The member whom visited your website earned a credit for viewing your site and a credit is then deducted from your website's credit allocation. These credits earned by other members can then be assigned to their website's urls so that they are included in the traffic rotation. When a website has 0 credits is it not shown in the autosurf rotation and no members see the website.

What is a surfbar?

A surfbar is a special url that you can find in the autosurf sites members area. This surfbar allows you to earn credits by viewing other members website. The surfbar has your member id as part of the url so you get credited with earnings. Always make surf that your id is correct in your surfbar url or you very well may be earning credits for someone else.

Best Autosurf Programs


hyip said...

Good post, as it showing all information to how to get traffic on our websites. And all terminology used in them.